Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (also referred to as Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy) is a form of talking therapy that is aimed at resolving issues you find recurring in your life; which may present as unhealthy or painful patterns in your thoughts, emotions or relationships (such as attachment issues) that stem from early life experiences. If you notice that the same issues keep coming up for you, Psychodynamic Therapy can help you to understand them better and stop such patterns from continuing.
Psychodynamic Therapy provides you with support through a journey of self-discovery that can lead you to better relationships and a more meaningful, creative and joyful way of life.

This type of talk therapy is called “longer-term” because it can take more than just a few sessions to change patterns of behavior that have taken years to develop. For longer term issues, such as Trauma, Depression, or Anxiety, people often require time to come to grips with and release the pain they have been experiencing.
Similarly, if we have recurring difficulties in relationships, such as attachment issues, it may take time to understand the part we play in reinforcing these patterns. By looking more deeply into interpersonal relationships, personal boundaries and attachments styles, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy facilitates the reflection and insight needed to make lasting changes.
Like Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Therapy focuses on developing insight into unconscious relational patterns. However, Psychoanalysis is a more in-depth treatment (think 3-5 sessions a week for a minimum of 3 years) that focuses on interpretations of unconscious content provided by a mostly silent Psychoanalyst, who generally only breaks their silence when an interpretation is required.
On the other hand, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is a more accessible, shorter term therapy (ranging from 6 months-3 years), provided in a highly interactive therapeutic relationship. One to three sessions a week are recommended, to establish a strong therapeutic relationship, and sustain the safe and consistent structure necessary for the therapeutic work to take place.
There is evidence that Psychotherapy is effective, and is a crucial part of mental health treatment. It has been shown that it enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment, and is the only necessary treatment in many cases.
"Many mental health problems can be resolved with psychotherapy alone, and psychotherapy is often a crucial component in the success of treatment with medication." (The American Psychiatric Association)
​While short-term counselling can be effective, there is increasing evidence that the benefits can also be short-term, resulting in relapse.
In contrast, the evidence also shows that longer-term approaches are more effective at achieving long-term improvement in mental health.
A trusting relationship between the client and the therapist is the foundation for achieving these long-term benefits. In preparation for this type of work, you can learn more about how Psychodynamic Psychotherapy utilises the therapeutic relationship.
This is enhanced by a commitment from the therapist and client to regular sessions, at least once or twice a week, over a period of time, which can range from months to years depending on individual needs and circumstances.
“In love and in psychological growth, the key to success is the ability to endure the tension of the opposites without abandoning the process, and that this tension allows one to grow and transform.”
Carl Jung (1946)

If you are interested in Psychotherapy, you can get in touch via call, text or email, or use the booking page to select a time and day that would suit you; I will be in touch as soon as possible, to discuss if Psychotherapy would be the right approach for you.